Hey Hey,
Network Weavers and Community Builders Unite! (check the cc list for who's who).
Ive mentioned this to most of you and the date is finally set. October 13 from 10-1 PM @Seed Philly 1650 Arch. Food provided.
This is the initial scene mapping meeting with a hand picked group of Philly folks who know their space backwards, forwards and upside down.
You have been asked to join because of your unique window into the community. We seek your energy for a few short hours to help create a group of true scene stewards.
To talk about what Scene mapping means and How To Make A Scene which will lead to starting the mind mapping processes which will transition into the asset mapping.
This will also help answer what is the ambition of Philly? This article by famed investor Paul Graham does a great job of highlight the driving force behind the identities of a few major cites.
Check out a couple examples:
AUSTIN MAP: http://www.mindmeister.com/26157745/austin-social-innovation-scene
PHILLY MAP (to date): http://www.mindmeister.com/181407908/philadelphia-s-social-innovation-community PW: WPSI
We talk about how our city is this HUB for social entrepreneurs and growth, but a lot of our efforts are built within a vacuum. Groups, MeetUps, and listservs exist, but little does in terms of a functional understanding of who is where and what are they doing. For true innovation to flourish, we need an open community that invites collaboration.
What we seek to accomplish on Oct 13, is to continue the great work of all those working to build a community of innovators in Philadelphia, by helping everyone see where they are and how they are connected.
Thanks in advance and look forward to a great session.